Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Harnessing Demographic Differences In Organizations â€Free Samples

Question: Discuss About The Harnessing Demographic Differences In Organizations? Answer: Introduction Globalisation has created diversity which needs to be attended to. Corporations are no longer catering to single markets bounded by national boundaries. Currently clients are from all over the world and in order to identify their needs, corporations are increasingly creating diversified workplaces. There are however a multitude of challenges that are posed by diversified workplace environments. Challenges and issues handling in these workplaces are real threats to companies. It is the duty of corporations to create a positive work ambience and environment with similarities amongst diversity such as to foster a spirit of productivity and innovativeness. The scope of this current study is focused on analysing various aspects of workplace diversity by evaluating three journals relevant to such analysis. The three journals are Harold Andrew Patrick and Vincent Raj Kumar (2012), article, Managing workplace diversity: Issues and challenges. In Sage Open(Patrick, 2012). Anne M. McMahon (201 0) article, Does workplace diversity matter? A survey of empirical studies on diversity and firm performance, 2000-09. In Journal of Diversity Management, page number 37(McMahon, 2010). Yves R.F. Guillaume1, Jeremy F. Dawson, Lilian Otaye-Ebede, Stephen A. Woods and Michael A. West (2017), article Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity? In the Journal of Organizational Behavior, pages 276 to 303 (Guillaume, 2017). Article Summary All the articles for this topic covers relevant concepts and theories regarding workplace diversity issues. In the first article a relationship between a firms productivity and diversity is established as diversity has expanded beyond demographic criterias and are no longer one-dimensional in nature(Chrobot-Mason, 2013). Effectiveness of creating diversity in workplaces has been identified that seeks to create a pool of more skills, knowledge, abilities and expertise levels along with other characteristics (KSAOs). The scope of the first article highlights the importance of creating workplace diversity. In the second article by McMahon an analysis on firms performance relationship is conducted within the period of 2000-09. The scope of the article aims to define ways in which diversity and firms performance can be defined. It forms a basis for linking firms performance with that of workplace diversity along with factors that mediate diversity-performance relationships(Bond, 2014). This study provides a qualitative along with a quantitative basis for analysis of a firms performance with broadening of view related to diversity as it no longer relates to demographic factors alone. In the third article, there is an interrelations that is established across demographic diversity relating relational demography, organisational diversity and work group diversity. This article examines using Categorization-Elaboration Model through theoretical perspectives. Scope of this article analyses detailed differences in relational demography along with work group diversity effects, which promotes social integration for openness, diversity beliefs, learning goal orientation, decision-making and similar other attributes. Big Five traits were analysed and applied for understanding an individuals capability towards acceptance of diversity. Other influencing factors for diversity have also been analysed as which were KSA and epistemic motivation which constituted variables for motivation. Article Analysis Articles regarding managing of diversity are similar yet different in many ways with their differences in point of views(Yang, 2011). In the first article by Patrick and Kumar the positive aspects of diversity has been analysed with dissimilarities and similarities amongst individuals being valued. This article primarily focuses on culture of the organisation, human resource practices, organisational environment amongst factors that can impact diversity. The study was aimed at mapping productivity primary of workplace diversity in IT context. Integral strategies that can enhance workplace diversity were identified. The most frequent barriers for accepting workplace diversity were analysed along with potential strategies that can lead to inclusiveness. Awareness regarding workplace diversity were also provided within the scope of this study using sampling technique. The second article is mostly a qualitative analysis of various internal and external contexts linking firms performance with that of diversity. It broadens the definition of diversity to include more factors and concepts, as interferences from diversity could significantly impact business performance(Canas, 2013). Functional background, experience, organisational tenure, social behaviours, team interactions are used to assessed workplace diversity for determining outcomes on performance. It establishes that workplace diversity being non-linear in nature. In the third article, diversity in workplace benefits to the organisation has been analysed. Diversity does not link employee morale, poor job performance, conflicts and other factors. It aims to establish relational variables to identifying workplace issues. Article Comparison All the three articles aims at creating a better understanding regarding workplace diversity. But there are certain distinctions amongst them as well as the first article creates a positive ambience or experience around diversity. The several benefits that can be generated from a diversified workforce as skills, creativity, knowledge are analysed in this regard. This article stress on the facts ways and methods in which importance of diversity in workplace could be enhanced. It uses several measure to depict ways in which organisations can be made effective by accommodating diversity into their workforces. It establishes direct connection in regards to productivity of organisations with that of diversity by including various definitions of stereotypes. Whereas in the scope of the second article, a study has been concluded to understand the level of impact on firms performance through diversity. As it can be clearly understood from global workplaces in order to attend to varying sets of customers, organisation and its employees need to have understanding regarding them. Diversity is seen to be more a necessity in current organisations who needs to cater to diversified customer base. Employees who are working in a diversified group are able to contribute better to ideas and attending to challenges that might arise from diversified working situations. Diversified workforce has become a necessity for global or multinational corporations who needs to develop detailed understanding regarding their customer base. However, the scope of third article is contradictory as it provides a different approach to diversity in totality. It analyses tolerance towards diversity approach, it conducts analysis of diversity as means of demographic variables which includes race, caste, creed, status and so on. Within scopes of organisational diversity such approaches with more complex variables has to be determined such as extend the scope of diversity further in the entire organisati on. This article identifies specific challenges related to diversity that affects workplaces. It analyses personal and individual traits that can make employees more tolerant to the idea of diversity. It accommodates Big Five personality traits to analyse factors that can determine effectiveness in accommodating employees to the concept of diversity. Organisational wide differences can create large amounts of impact that can deter its performance, hence managers and leaders along with human resource departments needs to identify ways and means by which such workplace diversity can be effectively reduced. Although role of leaders and managers is to derive productivity from employees, but diversity within them can largely deter their productivity leading to organisational level impact. In order to attend to organisational goals, employees needs to strive appropriately to achieve them even in diversified scenario. The importance of diversity needs to be highlighted and enhanced to them . Discussion Workplace diversity is becoming an integral issue at workplace with diversified customer groups. Practical implication of diversity at workplaces are immense that aim to benefit work communities. Leadership, organisational climate and existing climate at workplace can consistently impact variables of culture and diversity at workplaces. Motivating diversified employees might yield valuable inputs to the organisation, which in turn might be capable of driving a positive workplace atmosphere with varied demographic outlook. Organisations while operating within a diversified set of framework and management practices dealing with diversity have better understanding in regards to political, legal, social, technological and other factors prevailing in their countries. Organisations needs to identify conflicting interests that are beneficial for all within the framework of the organisation to provide fruitful results. All the articles that has been analysed in the scope of the discussion pe rtains to analysing issue regarding workplace diversity that might lead to effectiveness at workplaces. Thus, the articles empirical study and quantitative analysis provides useful data for further studies for improvement and generation of organisation wide productivity. Reference Lists Bond, M. A. 2014. Workplace diversity: A socialecological framework and policy implications. Social Issues and Policy Review, 167-201. Canas, K. . 2013. Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity. Pearson Higher Ed. Chrobot-Mason, D. . 2013. The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity. Group Organization Management, 659-689. Guillaume, Y. R.?E. 2017. Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 276-303. McMahon, A. M. 2010. Does workplace diversity matter? A survey of empirical studies on diversity and firm performance, 2000-09. Journal of Diversity Management, 37. Patrick, H. A. 2012. Managing workplace diversity: Issues and challenges. Sage Open, 2158244012444615. Yang, Y. . 2011. Understanding diversity management practices: Implications of institutional theory and resource-based theory. Group Organization Management, 6-38.

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