Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hunters in the Snow vs. the Most Dangerous Game Essay

Comparative Essay Though one could argue that Wolff’s â€Å"Hunter’s in the Snow† and Connell’s â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† share an aspect of higher insight that can be classified in literary fiction, Hunter’s in the Snow allows the reader to develop a deeper understanding of human nature by presenting three dynamic characters. The three characters distinguish â€Å"Hunter’s in the Snow† as literary fiction through the author’s attempt on to make a statement about the human condition. â€Å"Hunters in the Snow† does not aim at simple entertainment, but rather tries to get us to see deeper into the three mens personal characters. Many devices used in literary fiction are present in Hunters. The story does not end in a way that is either good or†¦show more content†¦After the General allows small glimpses into his psyche, the fact that he is a disturbed person is temporarily forgotten about as the battle between him and Rainsford begins. In â€Å"Hunters in the Snow†, the situation with the shooting occurs early on, but the main focus of the story then transfers to the characters and their issues for the remainder of the story. Rainsford is the typical hero: He is clever and moral, as opposed to Zaroff who is immoral. Though he claims to be a beast at bay, Rainsford has now fully reverted to hunter mode, swimming across a small bay to Zaroffs chateau to arrive there before the general can make it back through the jungle.†¦ out the shadowy outlines of a palatial chateau; it was set on a high bluff, and on three sides of it cliffs dived down to where the sea licked greedy lips in the shadows†. Rainsford claims that no animal can reason and when he realizes what Zaroff is doing, he calls it cold-blooded murder. Zaroff retreats to the chateau, assuming he has won the game. The General explains, hunting was beginning to bore him, and reveals that he had to invent a new animal to hunt, one that must have courage, cunning, and, above all, it must be able to reason. Rainsford survives, winning the game. A story, which relies on action, coincidence and surprise, is precisely the motivation that Connell needs to create a memorable commercial fiction. Rainsford is given the impression that General Zaroff is a wealthy and prominent hunter. Show MoreRelatedCompare And Contrast The Hunters In The Snow And The Most Dangerous Game1019 Words   |  5 PagesDid you know that â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† and â€Å"The Hunters In The Snow† could be similar in so many ways but have some differences in both stories? There are two main characters in â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game† and that is Rainsford and General Zaroff and in â€Å"The Hunter In The Snow† has three main characters and that is supposedly friends and that is Tub, Frank, and Kenny. 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